

We are dedicated to helping organizations and leaders at key and transformational times on their journeys. Our company core value is that our clients and candidates need to be the perfect fit. We are passionate about helping our clients grow their businesses by ensuring the right leadership and expertise are appointed while providing essential due diligence and decision-making support to the transition.


We have a history of advising and leading best-in-class companies and entrepreneurial start-ups across sectors, as well as non-profits, hospitality, healthcare and financial entities on how to effectively conquer a wide range of strategic organizational, business and leadership challenges. We drive transformational company agendas forward and ensure continued business growth by identifying best-in-class talent to join their leadership team.

We are proud champions of diversity and we are well known for actively supporting the career paths of senior executive female leaders. We work to ensure that the right people are selected to join your organization because they have the required abilities and professional acumen to drive the growth of your business. 



I’ve known Cathy for more than 15 years and have used her services to fill a number of key positions over that period of time including the entire leadership team of the Invictus Games Toronto 2017. More recently, her firm helped to place the first-ever Chief Operating Officer for the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation. That hire is already starting to pay significant benefits.

Cathy is passionate, relentless in her ability to find the right talent and she is honest about her assessment of potential candidates. I rely on Cathy to help me with the most important decision I have to make as a leader – finding and securing the very best talent available to join our team.



“Today’s market is more competitive and complex than ever. When working with PHC, you can be assured that your organization will be able to access some of the best talent out there – people that can drive your organization forward and align with its values. PHC’s persistence, professionalism, transparency and integrity are key to delivering the right talent fit. They always exceed expectation.”



“It’s been a treat working with Preston Human Capital Group. I’ve so enjoyed working together - your professionalism, your care for people, your directness, your listening ability...I could go on. Looking forward to doing more in the future.”

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Ready to take the next step? First hear from our clients about their Preston Human Capital Experience.

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